
Legend of Mo Lin – 莫麟传奇 


Encountering the biggest energy crisis in a thousand years, the machine city of Haven has middle school student Mo Lin given the title the ‘chosen one’ by the ancestors, giving him the powers of a super robot to prevent the energy of his planet from exhausting. (2011)

Chinese Synopsis:

海文星球的机器城市,遭遇了千年不遇的能源危机。中学生莫麟,在一次意外事故中,成了祖先天工口中的天选者,拥有了超级机器人的能量。于是,他被赋予了寻找新能源,保护能源转接成功的使命。 为了不让自己的星球能源枯竭,莫麟和几个好朋友在与邪恶组织的斗智斗勇中一起寻找进入能源基地的线索,然后在能源基地内看到了地球四大文明古国的壮丽景观,也遇到了千奇百怪的守关者,渡过一个又一个扣人心弦的难关